The gender of the deceased is uncertain: the epitaph consistently refers to the person with as if this was a man (ⲁϥⲙ[ⲧⲟⲛ], ⲡⲙⲁⲕ[ⲁⲣⲓ---], [ⲛ]ⲙⲙⲁϥ), but in l. 8 we read [ ̣ ̣]ⲙ̣ⲓϣⲉⲧϣⲉⲣ̣[---], which shlould most probably be understood as ..mishe, daughter of [---]. Since similar cases are known from Sakinya, it is assumed here that ..mishe was indeed a woman. Otherwise, we could suppose that the redactor made a mistake in calling the person 'daughter' instead of 'son'. Unfortunately, no name ending with -ⲙⲓϣⲉ or -ⲓϣⲉ can be identified among known Coptic onomastic material.