If this is a Nubian name, it could be connected with ⲧⲁⲙⲁⲛⲛ-, 'helper', or cognate with the Nobiin ⲧⲁⲙⲁⲗ-, 'to carry; to support, help'.
Otherwise, this could be a Blemmyan/Beja name, identical with the name Tamal (TM Nam 35159) attested for a Blemmyan king of the late 4th/5th cent.
Meaning: If this is a Nubian name, it perhaps derives from ⲇⲓⲉⲓ-, ‘to be many’ + -ⲁ (predicative) = 'the one who is many' (cf. the Nobiin ⲇⲓ̈-ⲁ, ‘enough’). However, it also can be interpreted as the Arabic name Diḥya.