Meaning: 'graced with beauteous garlands'.
Inspiration: the word does not seem to occur in Christian literature, but is well attested in classical Greek works, including Homer and Hesiod, where it functions as an epithet of Artemis or Demeter. No doubt, the parents of the Eustephanos were educated persons versed in Greek literature.
Meaning: 'life-giver'.
Inspiration: The word is attested as an epithet of the cross in an inscriptions on a funerary cross from Tamit (DBMNT 957): σταυρὲ ζωόδοτα, ἀνάπαυσον τὴ(ν) ψ[υχ](ὴν) το(ῦ) δούλ(ου) | [Ἰσ]αὰκ πρε(σβυ)τ(έρου) ἐν κόλπ[οις] Ἀβρὰμ κ(αὶ) Ἰσαὰκ κ(αὶ) Ἰακώβ.